The 5 Reasons Your Toenail Fungus Wont Go Away

Toenail fungus ( Onychocosis) is a tough issue to resolve even for the most diligent patient and podiatrist. Toenail fungus can literally be found anywhere on any surface and is known for its slow growing nature. Once is gets underneath your toenail plate and your cuticle it takes an army to eradicate it. Here are 5 reasons why your toenail fungus may not be going away

#1: You’re working out- a lot. Athletics introduces a huge amount of trauma to to toes and toenails so you could be injuring the nail and providing fungus with easy pathways to the inside of your toenail unit. Plus all the sweat and heat in the shoe makes for fertile growth.

#2: You’re under-treating your toenail fungus. Most people start with over the counter nail fungus remedies which rarely, if ever work. Your toenail takes at least 9 months to fully grow out so it takes 9 months of strong, concentrated treatment to fully treat toenail fungus.

#3: You’re not giving it enough time. Just like the last point, even if you are doing everything right and using the most effective medicines and treatments for your toenail fungus, if you aren’t treating your toenails for their entire growth cycle and then some, the toenail fungus can just come right back.

#4: Blame your parents. Most toenail fungus ( Onychomycosis) is hereditary, meaning your immune system’s inability to fight it is hereditary. Remember, fungus is everywhere, so why doesn’t everyone get it? Because some people have natural immunity, others don’t.

#5: You don’t have toenail fungus. There are countless causes of thick, discolored, bad looking toenails that have NOTHING to do with fungus. A simple clipping of the nail can differentiate what is and what is not fungus. These can easily and painlessly be performed in the office in a matter of seconds. Results usually take 3 days.

Are you looking for a foot specialist or foot doctor north of Columbus, Dublin or Powell? To schedule an appointment, please text or call Performance Podiatry at (614)-407-3171 or request an appointment online.


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